Conda (+ pip) and Docker FTW!

Conda is an open source package and environment management system that runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

  • Conda can quickly install, run, and update packages and their dependencies.
  • Conda can create, save, load, and switch between project specific software environments on your local computer.
  • Although Conda was created for Python programs, Conda can package and distribute software for any language such as R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, FORTRAN.

Conda as a package manager helps you find and install packages. If you need a package that requires a different version of Python, you do not need to switch to a different environment manager, because Conda is also an environment manager. With just a few commands, you can set up a totally separate environment to run that different version of Python, while continuing to run your usual version of Python in your normal environment.

While Conda is my default package and environment management solution, not every Python package that I might need to use is available via Conda. Fortunately, Conda plays nicely with pip which is the default Python package management tool.

Why not just use Conda (+ pip)?

While Conda (+ pip) solves most of my day-to-day data science environment and package management issues, incorporating Docker into my Conda (+ pip) development workflow has made it much easier to port my data science workflows from from my laptop/workstation to remote cloud computing resources. Getting Conda (+ pip) to work as expected inside Docker containers turned out to be much more challenging that I expected.

This blog post shows how I eventually combined Conda (+ pip) and Docker. In the following I assume that you have organized your project directory similar to my Python data science project template. In particular, I will assume that you store all Docker related files in a docker sub-directory within your project root directory.

Writing the Dockerfile

The trick to getting Conda (+ pip) and Docker to work smoothly together is to write a good Dockerfile. In this section I will take you step by step through the various pieces of the Dockerfile that I developed. Hopefully you can use this Dockerfile without modification on you next data science project.

Use a standard base image

Every Dockefile has a base or parent image. For the parent image I use Ubuntu 16.04 which is one of the most commonly used flavor of Linux in the data science community (and also happens to be the same OS installed on my workstation).

FROM ubuntu:16.04

Make bash the default shell

The default shell used to run Dockerfile commands when building Docker images is /bin/sh. Unfortunately /bin/sh is currently not one of the shells supported by the conda init command. Fortunately it is possible to change the default shell used to run Dockerfile commands using the SHELL instruction.

SHELL [ "/bin/bash", "--login", "-c" ]

Note the use of the --login flag which insures that both ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc are sourced properly. Proper sourcing of both ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc is necessary in order to use various conda commands to build the Conda environment inside the Docker image.

Create a non-root user

It is a Docker security “best practice” to create a non-root user inside your Docker images. My preferred approach to create a non-root user uses build arguments to customize the username, uid, and gidthe non-root user. I use standard defaults for the uid and gid; the default username is set to al-khawarizmi.

# Create a non-root user
ARG username=al-khawarizmi
ARG uid=1000
ARG gid=100
ENV USER $username
ENV UID $uid
ENV GID $gid

RUN adduser --disabled-password \
    --gecos "Non-root user" \
    --uid $UID \
    --gid $GID \
    --home $HOME \

Copy over the config files for the Conda environment

After creating the non-root user I copy over all of the config files that I will need to create the Conda environment (i.e., environment.yml, requirements.txt, postBuild). I also copy over a Bash script that I will use as the Docker ENTRYPOINT (more on this below).

COPY environment.yml requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN chown $UID:$GID /tmp/environment.yml /tmp/requirements.txt

COPY postBuild /usr/local/bin/
RUN chown $UID:$GID /usr/local/bin/ && \
    chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/

COPY docker/ /usr/local/bin/
RUN chown $UID:$GID /usr/local/bin/ && \
    chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/

Newer versions of Docker support copying files as a non-root user, however the version of Docker available on DockerHub does not yet support copying as a non-root user so if you want to setup automated builds for your Git repositories you will need to copy everything as root.

Install Miniconda as the non-root user.

After copying over the config files as root, I switch over to the non-root user and install Miniconda.


# install miniconda
ENV CONDA_DIR $HOME/miniconda3
RUN wget --quiet$ -O ~/ && \
    chmod +x ~/ && \
    ~/ -b -p $CONDA_DIR && \
    rm ~/

# make non-activate conda commands available

# make conda activate command available from /bin/bash --login shells
RUN echo ". $CONDA_DIR/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.profile

# make conda activate command available from /bin/bash --interative shells
RUN conda init bash

Create a project directory

Next I create a project directory inside the non-root user home directory. The Conda environment will be created in a env sub-directory inside the project directory and all other project files and directories can then be mounted into this directory.

# create a project directory inside user home

Build the Conda environment

Now I am ready to build the Conda environment. Note that I can use nearly the same sequence of conda commands that I would use to build a Conda environment for a project on my laptop or workstation.

# build the conda environment
RUN conda update --name base --channel defaults conda && \
    conda env create --prefix $ENV_PREFIX --file /tmp/environment.yml --force && \
    conda clean --all --yes

# run the postBuild script to install any JupyterLab extensions
RUN conda activate $ENV_PREFIX && \
    /usr/local/bin/ && \
    conda deactivate

Insure Conda environment is properly activated at runtime

Almost finished! Second to last step is to use an ENTRYPOINT script to insure that the Conda environment is properly activated at runtime.

ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/" ]

Here is the /usr/local/bin/ script for reference.

#!/bin/bash --login
set -e

conda activate $ENV_PREFIX
exec "$@"

Specify a default command for the Docker container

Finally, I use the CMD instruction to specify a default command to run when a Docker container is launched. Since I install JupyerLab in all of my Conda environments I tend to launch a JupyterLab server by default when executing containers.

# default command will be to launch JupyterLab server for development
CMD [ "jupyter", "lab", "--no-browser", "--ip", "" ]

Building the Docker image

The following command builds a new image for your project with a custom $USER (and associated $UID and $GID) as well as a particular $IMAGE_NAME and $IMAGE_TAG. This command should be run within the docker sub-directory of the project as the Docker build context is set to ../ which should be the project root directory.

docker image build \
  --build-arg username=$USER \
  --build-arg uid=$UID \
  --build-arg gid=$GID \
  --file Dockerfile \

Running a Docker container

Once the image is built, the following command will run a container based on the image $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG. This command should be run from within the project’s root directory.

docker container run \
  --rm \
  --tty \
  --volume ${pwd}/bin:/home/$USER/app/bin \
  --volume ${pwd}/data:/home/$USER/app/data \ 
  --volume ${pwd}/doc:/home/$USER/app/doc \
  --volume ${pwd}/notebooks:/home/$USER/app/notebooks \
  --volume ${pwd}/results:/home/$USER/app/results \
  --volume ${pwd}/src:/home/$USER/app/src \
  --publish 8888:8888 \

Using Docker Compose

It is quite easy to make typos whilst writing the above docker commands by hand. A less error-prone approach is to use Docker Compose. The above docker commands can be encapsulated into the docker-compose.yml configuration file as follows.

version: "3.7"

        - username=${USER}
        - uid=${UID}
        - gid=${GID}
      context: ../
      dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile
      - "8888:8888"
      - ../bin:/home/${USER}/app/bin
      - ../data:/home/${USER}/app/data
      - ../doc:/home/${USER}/app/doc
      - ../notebooks:/home/${USER}/app/notebooks
      - ../results:/home/${USER}/app/results
      - ../src:/home/${USER}/app/src
    init: true
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true

The above docker-compose.yml file relies on variable substitution. to obtain the values for $USER, $UID, and $GID. These values can be stored in an a file called .env as follows.


You can test your docker-compose.yml file by running the following command in the docker sub-directory of the project.

docker-compose config

This command takes the docker-compose.yml file and substitutes the values provided in the .env file and then returns the result.

Once you are confident that values in the .env file are being substituted properly into the docker-compose.yml file, the following command can be used to bring up a container based on your project’s Docker image and launch the JupyterLab server. This command should also be run from within the docker sub-directory of the project.

docker-compose up --build

When you are done developing and have shutdown the JupyterLab server, the following command tears down the networking infrastructure for the running container.

docker-compose down


In this post I walked through a Dockerfile that can be used to inject a Conda (+ pip) environment into into a Docker image. I also detailed how to build the resulting image and launch containers using Docker Compose.

If you are looking for a production-quality solution that generalizes the approach outlined above, then I would encourage you to check out jupyter-repo2docker.

jupyter-repo2docker is a tool to build, run, and push Docker images from source code repositories. repo2docker fetches a repository (from GitHub, GitLab, Zenodo, Figshare, Dataverse installations, a Git repository or a local directory) and builds a container image in which the code can be executed. The image build process is based on the configuration files found in the repository.

The Conda (+ pip) and Docker combination has significantly increased my data science development velocity while at the same time increasing the portability and reproducibility of my data science workflows.

Hopefully this post can help you combine these three great tools together on your next data science project!